Whether or not you attempted Dry January, it certainly felt like a long first month of the year! Congratulations if you did complete the whole month alcohol-free, or even if you only managed a dry patch here and there. January is always a bit of a challenge but the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing lockdown have made it tougher than usual this time around, so give yourself a huge pat on the back for whatever you did achieve in January. (And whatever it was, we’re sure it’s a good excuse for a celebratory Sea & T!)
Now we’re into February the days are already getting that little bit longer and lighter, helping us to look forward to brighter days ahead. For the time being we’re still stuck in a national lockdown but the pressure on the NHS is finally easing and the vaccine roll-out is well underway so there’s light at the end of the tunnel, providing a much-needed boost for our collective mental wellbeing.
Why health and wellness is important right now
Health and wellness have been high on the national agenda over the past year, with many people taking a more serious look at their nutrition, fitness and overall lifestyle choices. With the recognition that medical concerns such as obesity worsen the impact of the virus, it’s clear to see why our approach to diet and exercise is very much in the spotlight at the moment, both from an individual and public health perspective.
In 2020 Sea Arch had a stand and were involved in a Cocktail Masterclass with Madame Camille Vidal from La Maison Wellness www.lamaisonwellness.com. Camille designed a Live Well cocktail And ran a daily masterclass making the cocktail with health-conscious festival goers.
Live Well Cocktail
50ml Sea Arch Coastal Juniper
20ml fresh cucumber syrup
20ml coconut wáter
20ml fresh lemon juice
2 fresh basil leaves
Put all above into a shaker with ice shake and strain into a glass with ice Top up with www.no1living.com Lemonade Kombucha.
Kickstart your mental and physical health
This focus on improving our physical and mental health, taking better care of our minds and our bodies, may well be part of the reason why sales of low and no alcohol drinks are soaring.
It’s true that sales of alcoholic drinks went through the roof following the first national lockdown, but once the novelty and that extended holiday feeling wore off, sales of non-alcoholic drinks increased – and we’re pleased to see they’re showing no signs of slowing down.
With record numbers of people taking part in Dry January this year, even against the backdrop of a global pandemic and a continuing national lockdown, it’s clear that there is now a real appetite for high quality alcohol-free options in our everyday lives.
That’s not to say we’re all going tee-total – far from it, in fact. According to recent industry research, the majority of those consuming low- and no-alcohol drinks say they switch between alcoholic and low- or no-alcohol drinks on the same occasion. It would seem that people are more likely now to have a range of drinks options at home, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Perhaps the lack of being able to pop to a local pub or restaurant and try something new has prompted us to be a bit more adventurous when it comes to at-home drinking.
From our side, Sea Arch Coastal Juniper blend has been extremely popular, with some outstanding reviews in the national media over the past couple of months and plenty of orders flooding in. Being calorie free, sugar free and sweetener free as well as alcohol free, it’s a great option for anyone taking steps to improve their health, fitness and overall wellbeing. Bursting with seaside botanicals and full of fresh, complex flavours, Sea Arch has all the deliciousness of gin but none of the alcohol. Even better, it still feels like a real treat at the end of the day, without compromising on taste or experience.
Prepare for a healthier summer this year
Now, as we approach the spring and look ahead to the summer, it’s time to consider how we want to feel as we emerge from the current restrictions and start to reconnect with family and friends. If you’ve embraced the wellness trend and everything that goes with it, keep up the great work! But if, like many of us, you’ve dipped in and out of a healthy mindset, now is an ideal time to get focused.
Making small changes to improve your fitness and nutrition – whether that’s walking rather than driving to the local shops, including more vegetables in your diet, or switching your G&T to a Sea & T – can really make a difference to your physical health and mental wellbeing, both now and in the long-term. What’s more, taking control and looking after yourself with care and attention can have a huge impact on your self-esteem, meaning you’ll look and feel much better when you are finally able to catch up with your loved ones again.
It’s fair to assume that the wellness trend is here to stay, with an increasing influence on factors such as when and how we exercise, what we’re eating and drinking, the quality of our sleep, and more. Taking care of ourselves means looking after our mental health as much as our physical form, and in both cases this means moderating our alcohol consumption.
If you’re in need of a helping hand to get going with your new wellness regime, our advice is to find some easy swaps and Sea Arch Coastal Juniper is an excellent place to start. Described last month by the highly respected drinks writer at The Times as being “the best non-alcoholic spirit yet”, you might not even notice that you’ve made the switch to alcohol-free!